Food Processing Plant Saves Money by Burning Alternative Fuel Many processing plants produce large amounts of waste water, causing plant owners to rethink their energy use strategy. In 2013, a mid-western US food plant found a way to use its own waste water as an alternative energy source. When the city of Janesville, WI began constructing an anaerobic digestion system at its […]
Case Study: Ford Motor Company
Boiler Controls Upgraded for Efficiency, Flexibility, and Reliability Ford Motor Company sought to upgrade its burner management and combustion control systems at its research and engineering powerhouse in Dearborn, MI. With the support of local representative D.J. Conley Assoc. Inc., Preferred Utilities upgraded several multi-burner boilers from manual to automatic firing rate control within the guidelines of NFPA 85. Originally a […]
A Year Later, Hurricane Sandy Spurs Waterproof Innovation
A year after Hurricane Sandy, engineers are rethinking designs for subterranean equipment. Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation has created a solution that should limit the power outages that plagued mission critical facilities during the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. That solution is the submersible waterproof pump. Designed for areas in flood zones, the pump attaches to back-up generator equipment. The state-of-the-art […]