White Papers

Five Considerations for Pumping and Storing Liquid Biofuels

-Dan Wallace, Danbury, CT Why do you need to know about biofuel handling? End users, governments, and private enterprises are looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions while minimizing capital equipment costs, and the equipment impacted ranges from backup diesel generators to industrial boilers. While the customer needs for this fuel are becoming more pronounced, third party testing […]

Watchdog Circuits in Burner Management

-Howard Wells, Preferred Utilities, Danbury, CT Introduction Have you ever seen a PLC-based burner management system and wondered “Why are the inputs turning on and off every few seconds?” This “flashing” of the inputs is a type of error checking for the PLC discrete input channels and is required by NFPA 85 for all non-SIL3 rated PLC-based burner […]

The Importance of Sensing Lines to Performance of Boiler Room Instrumentation

-By David Eoff Sensing lines are everywhere in the modern plant, whether it be a boiler plant, refinery, chemical plant, or water treatment plant. Often the instrumentation problems that stump operators, contractors, and sometimes full-time service technicians are related to how sensing lines are installed and maintained. We’re going to examine some of the most common instruments that […]

Letter to the Editor: Today’s Boiler May 2018: Warning–A Boiler Breakdown may be in your Future story

-Today’s Boilers This is a Letter to the Editor written by David Eoff of Preferred Utilities to Today’s Boiler regarding an article in the Spring 2018 edition called: Warning–A Boiler Breakdown may be in your Future story. “As Geoff Halley, the author of this article stated, the low water cutout switches that prevent a boiler from dry firing […]

Lessons from an Oil Spill

Last summer a facility in Texas spilled 3,500 gallons of diesel fuel intended for one of their emergency generators. The fuel was pushed up through a day tank vent, ran across their parking lot, and into a pond adjacent to their property. The clean-up team recovered about 2,100 gallons of fuel out of the pond, but at a […]

Keeping the Data Flowing

What happened the last time your house lost power? That email you were writing might have had to wait an extra half an hour, and your refrigerator might have warmed a few degrees. At most, ordinary power outages represent a minor annoyance to the home or office. The situation is different at the massive data centers of the […]