Technical Library

Fuel/Air Cross-Limiting

What is the Application? Steam supply and heating loads in a boiler plant vary throughout the course of the boiler firing cycle. In response to this, the boiler firing rate output % is continuously adjusting to maintain steam or temperature setpoint. This means that the boiler controller’s outputs (typically a fuel valve positioner, air damper positioner, and variable […]

Drum Level Control Essentials

What is the Application? As boilers convert water into steam to supply the plant’s load demand, more water must be supplied to the boiler to maintain the drum level at setpoint. In a modulating PID system, Boiler feedwater flow is controlled by the drum level controller by modulating a feedwater control valve which can be opened to give […]

PID Loops in Boiler Control Systems Part 4: Practical Tuning Techniques

Now that the PID components and type structures have been examined, Let’s get into the process of fine-tuning a PID loop. It is important to remember that in a real-world setting there are many variables that must be accounted for such as the plant process load variations, transmitter calibration and range scaling, control valve stroke, fuel supply pressures, […]