2024 April

Enhancing Efficiency: Preferred Utilities Unveils Combustion System with 8:1 Turndown and Controls Options

As Seen in Engineered Systems Preferred Utilities recently announced the release of their new Preferred Comet Burner. This product takes the superior engineering of Preferred Utilities products and applies it to an economical solution for gas-fired boilers under 300hp (oil and dual-fuel options coming soon). This solution is also designed to reduce lead times and has an integrated controls […]

Embracing Sustainability: The Timeless Excellence of American-Made Sustainability

In a world where sustainability is paramount, the choice of equipment can make all the difference. At Preferred, we’re proud to offer the most sustainable, rugged, and reliable burners on the market today – all proudly made in the U.S.A. 🇺🇸 What sets our burners apart? It’s simple – durability and longevity. Unlike cheap, disposable sheet metal burners […]

Reviving a Boiler System: A Success Story

Facing challenges with an unreliable boiler burner, a facility turned to Preferred to bring it back to life! They installed a new Preferred 300hp API burner model with advanced control systems. This upgrade provided reliable firing with low emissions, making the boiler the most dependable unit in the facility. Additionally, the facility upgraded their outdated monitoring systems with […]