Enhancing Efficiency: Preferred Utilities Unveils Combustion System with 8:1 Turndown and Controls Options

As Seen in Engineered Systems

Preferred Utilities recently announced the release of their new Preferred Comet Burner. This product takes the superior engineering of Preferred Utilities products and applies it to an economical solution for gas-fired boilers under 300hp (oil and dual-fuel options coming soon). This solution is also designed to reduce lead times and has an integrated controls package so you can be up-and-running quickly.

The Preferred Comet Burner offers a cast aluminum wind box and fan housing, fully assembled fuel trains, and three choices for flame safeguard/combustion control. These include basic parallel position controls, or advanced controller options such as the FlexFit Linkageless Controller or the Burnermate Universal Control System. These controller options provide a range of options, allowing facilities to choose what best suits their needs.

With its first install, Preferred confirmed that the burner has 8:1 turndown with variable speed drive (VSD) option (with options for higher turndown). This allows for superb flexibility and efficiency in operation as it automatically adjusts to system demands.

“We are excited to provide our customers with our well-known quality products at an even more competitive level and different controls options,” said David Bohn, President & CEO of Preferred Utilities. “The release of the Comet Burner means that we can reintroduce efficient combustion into the commercial retrofit market, always keeping an eye on the future of sustainability in energy and power generation.”

The Comet Burner can be supplied as part of a complete combustion system that can include draft control, feedwater control, multiple boiler lead/lag control, or plant master control. It has a small burner footprint, so easily fits retrofit applications where space and spend is limited.

Preferred Utilities strives to bring single-source responsibility to the boiler room, combining support and service along with thoughtfully engineered systems.


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