-Alex Canney, Northeast Regional Office In the middle of the week, we had a preventative maintenance service for a filtration unit scheduled in Maine (see Pic 1) and as we were walking in found out that a Massachusetts hospital had an urgent need for troubleshooting their fuel oil system. We were able to complete the work at the […]
NYC Schools Pressure Atomized Combustion
At our newest site in the NYC school system, Preferred converted their burners to (4) Preferred API-AF pressure atomized burners with Preferred’s BurnerMate Universal control systems and opacity monitors. Pressure atomization depends on the oil pressure inside the nozzle tip to spray a fine mist of oil, very similar to a spray bottle. The micronized oil droplets are […]
PE Jet Pump Plug
Made in the U.S.A. Preferred Engineering Jet Pump Plugs assembled, tested, and ready for action! These plugs are specifically designed to seal the nozzle of a jet pump mixer opening in a BWR nuclear power plant. Actuated mechanically and designed for easy installation with a light duty handling pole, these plugs give our customers peace of mind during […]
Plant Engineering Series: Boiler Room Demystified
Easy to reference on any project, the Boiler Room Demystified is the first in our Plant Engineering Series. Get useful tips and rules of thumb from calculating efficiency to finding correct boiler sizing for your application! Contact Us for your own printed copy! SEE ALSO: Fuel Oil Systems Demystified