A Year Later, Hurricane Sandy Spurs Waterproof Innovation

A year after Hurricane Sandy, engineers are rethinking designs for subterranean equipment. Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation has created a solution that should limit the power outages that plagued mission critical facilities during the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. That solution is the submersible waterproof pump. Designed for areas in flood zones, the pump attaches to back-up generator equipment. The state-of-the-art […]

2013 Golf Tournament

Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation hosted its annual “Robert G. Bohn Invititational” golf tournament on Wednesday, Oct 2. Pat Foley and Richard Bohn finished in first place, landing a net score of 67. The competition was long, however, as Preferred employees spent nearly five hours on the greens at the Redding Country Club. While some participants said that they […]

After September 11th, Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation Helps Rebuild New York

In wake of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation remembers and mourns the loss of every innocent life lost that day. In an effort to rebuild, Preferred Utilities has designed and delivered new mission critical back-up fuel delivery systems for World Trade Center 3. Preferred Utilities will play an integral part in the construction […]