» Ruth O’Donnell

Looking to go cleaner and greener?

Read the article in Today’s Boiler By David Bohn If you can’t afford to replace your boiler system, new fuels and innovative technologies are the answer. Fueling boilers has become more complicated. Many conventional fuels are now impractical because they can be dirty and expensive, and they are sometimes incompatible with modern environmental regulations. This creates a challenge […]

Doing more with less: Staying productive during major upgrades

See the published article in Power Engineering here! By David Bohn Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp. Given today’s skilled workforce shortage, figuring out how to get the most productivity from the fewest workers has become one of a power sector’s top challenges. How can a plant stay on top of its output requirements when finding and retaining qualified workers is so […]

JC-30D Opacity Monitor: New and Improved!

With the NEW and improved Opacity Monitor model JC-30D with Automatic Calibration, LED light source, and light detector, no onsite operator is required to calibrate the system. When the system receives a signal from the burner fan, it auto calibrates opacity by itself, compensating for dirty lenses. Auto-Calibrate coupled with the new brighter LED light source allows the lenses to go without cleaning for up to […]

Securely Connecting Your Plant to the Outside World

-Luke Amory, Danbury, CT Traditionally, when working with operationally sensitive equipment such as HMI/SCADA Systems, the established practice has been to “Air-Gap” your equipment and prevent any access from the outside world. Globalization, regulations, & the advent of AI have made this practice obsolete and costly to your bottom line. Plants that choose to be “Air-Gapped” lose out […]

UL Approval & Success

We have reason to celebrate! Preferred successfully completed the UL testing of our 1200 HP Ultra-Low NOx Ranger burner at Johnston Boiler. We now have UL listing on the following: API-AF : 50 HP through 600 HP API-RF: 100 HP through 1200 HP Ranger-RF: 100 HP through 1200 HP We also have ULB listings on the entire range […]

Sustainable Solutions for Special Fuels

Made in the U.S.A., this project demonstrated a a sustainable, safe reclamation of waste hydrogen with high efficiency and carbon foot print reduction. An American based chemical manufacturer decided to make use of their waste hydrogen which significantly reduced their use of fossil fuel for their process steam requirements. But the customer needed the right company to deliver […]

Pros of Burning Oil as a Fuel

NOx in Heating oil is significantly reduced: heating oil can contain less than 15 parts per million of sulfer. That is a 200-fold decrease in sulfer since 2014. Heating oil is a partially renewable fuel: more and more heating oils contain 2% – 5% plant derived biofuel, and likely to increase over time. Biofuel is a renewable energy […]

Retrofit “Insert” for Sustainability Goals

An innovative, low-cost combustion solution to meet sustainability goals, emission reduction requirements, and extreme efficiency improvements. This installation is at an American college with aggressive sustainability goals. Our solution for them–a burner and controls upgrade on one of their existing 700 HP Cleaver Brooks boilers to achieve their emission and carbon reduction milestones, while increasing combustion efficiency and […]